
URL Rotador Script



URL URL Rotator Script – Free Cyber ​​Store



 This script URL Rotator PHP Pro service uses a database to store information and members of URLs. This script makes a great web alone or can also be used as an addition to any Website for support.

Service members can log rotators and add an unlimited number of URLs. Members receive a link to your rotator so they can announce all your URLs to a URL. Users can view their statistics, add / edit / delete URLs and more.

The script is configured to allow free members, these members will rotators bar at the top that can be used for ads or banners. Premium members have the other side of the bar top. Users can upgrade from within your account

points featured ads and banner rotator have been added in additional revenue opportunities. Members and visitors can order these ad spots in the prices of systems administration.

The administration area is easy to use and allows the administrator to add / edit / delete URLs, statistics veiw website, member statistics view, edit / delete members, send mass email to all members, add / edit / delete the featured ads, add / edit / remove banner ads, and more.

The installation of this script is simple with the included detailed installation instructions. May have this installed and ready for members within five minutes script.


Or the premium Register
Built in ad spots featured
construction Banner Rotator
Send e – mail to all members
Rights products resale rights


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